Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chocolate Ganache Madeleines

Margot of Effort to Deliciousness chose this week's recipe for Tuesdays with Dorie. I know I say this every week, but I really do love Margot. She's a fellow Californian, she has a farmers market that I envy, and I love to read about how she and Josh deal with the massive quantities of baking she does for this and other groups. She was my Secret Baker one month and sent me an amazing assortment of chocolate chip cookies. What's not to love?

When I looked at the recipe in the cookbook, it had a much different persona. Chocolate madeleines are filled with marshmallow fluff (nay) and dipped in a chocolate glaze (yay). Dorie's playing around suggestions included replacing the fluff with Nutella (yay) but I discovered my Nutella expired 18 months ago. How does someone who loves Nutella allow that to happen? Since I was getting ready to go to a conference, I made 1/4 of the recipe, defrosted some ganache, dipped the madeleines and called it a success. Then I ate them all for breakfast after my workout. Yes, I did. And they were fabulous.

If you're looking for a really chocolatey breakfast or a treat to have with a cup of coffee or tea, Margot will have the recipe for you here. And you can find out how the other TWD bakers fared here.


Cakelaw said...

LOL - the best brekky idea I have heard of in ages.

Jessica said...

Leslie, I love your four cute madeleines! They look fantastic.

Kayte said...

They look great, as usual. Nutella in them would be a hit around here, I will remember that! And, lol on expiration...like anything ever has a chance to expire here with these guys in the house...it would never happen!! lol

chocolatechic said...

I love fluff, and sucked the leftovers through the icing tip...It was delicious.

Valerie Gamine said...

Many a TWD recipe has been enjoyed after a run (you need something to look forward to!)

I bet these were great even without the marshmallow...but how does one allow a jar Nutella to expire? :D

Beth said...

I've never heard of filled madeleines before, but this sounds like a real winner!

Flourchild said...

Im sure that jum started your day having them for breakfast! They look good!

Jessica of My Baking Heart said...

What a perfect after-workout treat! ;) These look so great!

Katrina said...

I love that you ate them all after a workout!
Shhh, I did the same thing as Tanya at Chocolatchic. ;) (Even though fluff isn't my favorite thing either.)

Mary said...

That sounds like exactly what I want to eat after a workout too! I really wanted to make these, and fill them with raspberry jam (perfect for breakfast), but this is the winter of being sick for me. Oh well, on the mend now and really hoping to jump back into TWD next week.

Unknown said...

Haha, I ate mine for breakfast too Leslie! I gave the Nutella idea some thought too, but in the end I was too lazy to fill them period. Maybe next time. Your madeleines look great!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

I love that you ate them all after your workout! That is the best time to eat them though! :) They look delicious!

Chats the Comfy Cook said...

I was going to make mine without the fluff and then I was not going to make this, at all and then I did just what it said and I am glad I did.

Yours look just fine even with Nutella or Fluff.

Di said...

Amazingly, I didn't eat any of these for breakfast. But I bet they were great that time of day. B&G were fighting over the last one of mine this evening. Guess that means I should make them again. =)

margot said...

Leslie, thank you for your kind words! It is nice to have "met" a fellow Bay Area baker through TWD. Your little batch of madeleines turned out great. You really can't get much filling in these anyway.

I think I better check the expiration on my Nutella. I went a little crazy at Costco a little while ago.

TeaLady said...

Nutella!! Now why didn't I think of that.

My mads were blobs. I have GOT to get a pan.