Sunday, November 28, 2010

Plum Crostata

I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date! And that date is the monthly posting for Daring Bakers. I put off this ridiculously easy recipe until the day after it was supposed to be posted. As I was making it, it was so easy I wondered why I waited so long.

The 2010 November Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Simona of briciole. She chose to challenge Daring Bakers’ to make pasta frolla for a crostata. She used her own experience as a source, as well as information from Pellegrino Artusi’s Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well.

I had never had a crostata but I knew I wanted to make gingered plum preserves for it. The only problem was that in November, plums are pretty much gone from the markets, unless they've been picked green and transported from another continent. That's what I ended up with, and the preserves weren't as great as they normally are but they were still better than store bought. 

The crust is fairly simple to put together and work with, and rolling it out was a snap. I cut out some little hearts from the scraps instead of doing the lattice because it was 8 PM. My crostata baked for 29 minutes and cooled completely before we cut it. It was good, but I wasn't wowed by it. That could have been because it came after the many desserts during the long Thanksgiving weekend.

Thanks, Simona, for hosting this month and for picking something easy! If you'd like the recipe, Simona has it for you here.

And now for some shameless self promotion...have you entered my giveaway yet? BlogHer has graciously offered a $100 Visa gift card. You can enter here.


  1. Looks like your pastry turned out very well and the ginger and plum preserve sounds like a very nice combo. :)

  2. Gingered plum crostata sounds so delicious and it looks like it was a success an inspired flavour combination. Yes maybe it was dessert overload LOL LOL.

    Cheers from Audax in Sydney Australia.

  3. Your crostata looks fantastic! I too waited until the very end and then wondered why I started so late (especially after seeing all the creative sweet and savory versions). How did you make gingered plum preserves -- sounds delicious!

  4. Ginger-plum preserves sounds like a delicious filling for the crostata :)

  5. Wow, gingered plum preserves sound fantastic, and your tart is expquisite. Great job Leslie.

  6. It looks lovely and sounds delicious! It is hard to be enthusiastic about eating after a long weekend of holiday food though.

  7. The boys and I used to say this all the time when we were rushing to get somewhere on time..."We're late, we're late...." They sort of outgrew it, but I find myself saying it now and again. Your crostada looks heavenly, and I would not be late if I was coming for a slice of this!!

  8. Leslie, your plum crostata is gorgeous! It looks like a tart filled with glistening jewels! I can almost taste the plum - ginger preserves - mouth just watered, I better get off your page LOL Beautifully done!!

  9. Your filling sounds very nice and I like the hearts as decoration.
