Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Devilish Shortcakes

Last year (or was it earlier this year?) the Tuesdays with Dorie bakers made the Tender Shortcakes, and I remember their extraordinary lightness and addictive flavor. It was a recipe that surprised me with its simplicity and yumminess.

This recipe, selected by Tania of Love Big, Bake Often, turns the volume up a notch. It lacks some of the tenderness but more than makes up for it with a punch of chocolate flavor, thanks to a respectable ratio of cocoa. I doubled the recipe as I made these for a bittersweet occasion at work. One of my coworkers is leaving to go to work at a university closer to her home (cutting 2 1/2 hours from her daily commute) and I wanted to make something especially for her. These devilish shortcakes seemed to combine the two qualities she wanted in a dessert...chocolate or fruit, or both. I served these with the last strawberries of the season, sweetened with a little sugar and served on a puff of freshly whipped cream. They were sweet and nice, the perfect gift for a coworker who is as sweet and kind as she is smart. 

If you'd like the recipe, Tania has it for you here. And you can see what the other TWD bakers thought about it here.


  1. The shortcake looks lovely, what a thoughtful send-off treat for your co-worker (and congrats to her for finding a job closer to home - not easy in the Bay Area).

  2. What a lovely dessert and how thoughtful of you to bake it for your coworker! These were quite good with berries and cream.

  3. Lovely! Now that everyone has confirmed these aren't too sweet, I may go back and make them.

  4. They look great! Last strawberries of the season in DECEMBER?! It must very mild where you live! The last strawberries of the season in the UK come quite soon after the first strawberries of the season!

  5. It looks delicious with that gorgeous berry! I managed to skip the other shortcakes as well as these.

  6. What's not to like about these. And how sweet to make them for friends.

    While you doubled, I made 1/4 and it was just enough. Love that you still have fresh strawberries.

  7. The strawberries and whipped cream make it all look so elegant. Nice job and lovely photo!

  8. I let Shane eat the ones I made, but had I eaten them, I definitely would have chosen strawberries and whipped cream too! So nice of you to make them for your coworker, I know she is going to miss your treats :)

  9. Looks great. These were fun to "play" with. I had to do banana/Nutella with mine. Yes, had to. ;)

  10. That's very nice of you! That dessert looks wonderful. The strawberry has a heart-shape look to it :o)
