Friday, July 30, 2010

My Kitchen, My World - Cooking in the USA!

Sounds easy, doesn't it? Make some food from the USA for this month's challenge. Until I started thinking that the things we think of as American foods hail from other shores. I consulted with some of my Twitter buddies who helped me see that the melting pot that is the USA makes virtually all foods American. But I tried to make a meal from ingredients that would have been here when Native Americans called this their land. Fresh salmon on the grill, a salad of baby lettuce, herbs, asparagus, tomatoes and corn, dressed with lemon and olive oil. OK, maybe olive oil wasn't here yet but it made a great salad. I had planned to make brownies, too, but the month just got away from me.

My Kitchen, My World is a wonderful group where the host picks a country for the month and if you want to participate, you cook from that country's cuisine and put a link to your post on the MKMW site. You can find it here, along with links to everyone who participated this month. It's a lot of fun, discovering foods from cuisines you may not be so familiar with. This month is the exception, but who knows where we'll go next month...


  1. This is perfect! I think that you have captured it all very nicely...and it's all so healthy. I think I have one dish this month...I was heading in another direction with this but after seeing yours and Margaret's, I think I have the idea now, and I think I have the perfect recipe, so off I go. This is fun! I wonder what next month will be???

  2. That looks delicious! I hadn't thought about salmon. This was kind of a tricky one, wasn't it? I fretted a little bit and then decided that no one was going to hassle me about the authenticity of my selection.

  3. Oh that salad looks really really good. This is my first time in this group and I wasn't sure what to pick. I made a roast because that is what I remember most from childhood! I'm excited to be in this group. Looking forward to making some different and interesting food. Wouldn't you know my first time in the group would be USA? :)

  4. I think we Americans forget (or just take for granted) that so many of our ingredients come from other countries. I'm not sure if I could make a meal that didn't include something from outside the US.

  5. Your salad sounds delicious. Your do right it's hard to pick a dish that is uniquely American.

  6. You did really well with this challenge. Your salad sounds delicious. This is my first visit to your blog, but I plan to be back often. I love the food you feature and your blog is most welcoming. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  7. Seems like Native Americans were a favorite for MKMW this month. Love this salad. Looks light and refresing.

  8. I can't find a place for comments on the carrot cookies. Is it me or is it really missing?

  9. Salmon salad is one of those things I always intend to make but have never gotten around to. Yours looks absolutely wonderful! I'm going to try to make a point to give it a shot this weekend. Great choice!
