Tuesday, March 2, 2010

TWD - Coconut-Cream Pie

Beryl of Cinemon Girl chose this week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe, coconut-cream tart. This one was a scramble for me to finish today. I left off the cream because we aren't whipped cream fans, and it was still absolutely delicious.

Check out what the other TWD bakers did...you can find them all here. I've peeked at a few of them and theirs look fantastic!


  1. Well, better later than never... I'm glad you liked it! :)

  2. I love the way your pie looks without the cream. Good call.

  3. I didn't put the topping on either. I think it was just fine without it.

    Yours looks great!!! :)

  4. The custard was my most favorite part of this tart, so I think leaving the cream off is A-OK (not that you really need my approval)!
    I'm glad that you enjoyed this treat.

  5. the custard was/is where it's at!

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I thought the whipped cream was the best part so we'd be a good pair - I'd gladly eat the whipped cream and leave you with the custard!

  7. I think leaving off the cream sounds like a good idea, if just to save a few calories and fat for me! ;)
    I thought this was even better the next day.
    Way to get it done.

  8. I would have missed the whipped cream either, but my kids love it so on it went.

  9. It looks great Leslie. I halved the cream because that was all I had, but I am not a huge cream fan either.

  10. Looks yummy! The custard was rich and flavorful enough on its own, good call.

  11. Yes, quite yummy!! Looks perfect - even without the whipped cream.

    (Mine didn't work well, but I used it anyway - MISTAKE!!)

  12. Looks great! I love coconut, so I know I would have liked this. I would need whipped cream though!

  13. Not whipped cream fans...are you kidding me??? Mine had lots of whipped cream on it...you can tell who ARE the whipped cream fams. Your custard looks amazing and delicious. I could not get mine to set as nicely, it spread a little. Still tasted fine, however, mighty fine!
