Wednesday, March 3, 2010

SMS on Wednesday - Cinnamon Sugar Cookies

Cinnamon sugar. Who doesn't love it? It makes me think about toasted cinnamon swirl bread slathered with butter, and plain toast with butter and cinnamon sugar on it. Thanks to Nina of Nina's Cupcakes, I got to enjoy this classic flavor combination in a cookie.

When I first saw Nina picked sugar cookies for this week's Sweet Melissa's Sundays, I was disappointed. For one thing, it wasn't even a real recipe. The book gives directions for rolling it out as a pie crust and casually mentions you can make cut out cookies from the dough, but doesn't give instructions, oven temperature or timing. Thanks to the P&Q, I knew these would need about 10 minutes to bake at 350.

I had a whole other problem. I don't heart sugar cookies. But I wanted to make them because I do heart Nina's blog, so I had to get busy with transforming their plain sugar cookie persona to something flashy and bold.

Enter my favorite Penzey's Vietnamese cinnamon. 1 teaspoon of Vietnamese cinnamon gave these cookies a definite smoky edge. The only other change I made was to leave out the lemon zest, thinking it would complete with the cinnamon.

If you'd like the recipe, you can find it here.


  1. Sweet! I passed on these. But, maybe I should have done them like you did. Sort of a snickerdoodle. :)

  2. Great idea to add cinnamon to the dough. A crispy snickerdoodle,I bet they were awesome.

  3. Love the idea of adding cinnamon to this cookie recipe. They look delicious!

  4. I love all things cinnamon. Great job.

  5. Very cute cookie and I love the addition of the cinnamon.

  6. Nice changes Leslie! Your version sounds delicious. I was a bit annoyed that directions weren't provided for the cookies but fortunately, it wasn't too tricky to figure out.

  7. Cute! A cinnamon sugar cookie sounds delicious. I solved the blandness problem by dipping the cookies in chocolate. I didn't get around to posting them, so this week will be a Super Sweet Melissa Sunday.

  8. Hmmm... cinnamon. What a good idea! Didn't think of that. It looks very nice! I too have never met a sugar cookie I liked so I decided to skip this week.

  9. Oh, these look lovely...and tasty!
