Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Oatmeal Cinnamon Scones

These days, when I flip through my copy of Baking From My Home to Yours I think, I've made that, this one was good, I need to make this one again, or I had to skip this one but I really want to make it soon.

There aren't that many pages left that have recipes we haven't made yet for Tuesdays with Dorie and on some days that makes me sad but on other days excited. Excited for the ones we have left and sad because Dorie's book and this group have changed my life, and by the end of the year we will be done with the book. I have formed so many close friendships and let loose my inner baker. I get endless rewards from baking, blogging and testing my limits through this group. I will never forget the fear I felt before making the coconut-roasted pineapple dacquoise and the euphoria I felt when it was completed. That post brought me my first comment from Dorie, and words can't express how meaningful it was for me.

There are still times I don't listen to my instincts and this week was one of them. My scones were just this side of burned. Yes, I admit I didn't watch my scones (hard to do when you're in the shower) and they baked up into crispy critters. But my coworkers still enjoyed them (maple butter helped moisten them up). Although they were good, I think they would have been a lot better if I took them out of the oven two minutes earlier.

Patricia of Life with a Whisk chose this week's recipe for us. I was very grateful for an easy and adaptable one. Here's what I did:
  • I used cinnamon instead of nutmeg, and it was perfect.
  • Scones don't like to be handled--shaggy dough is preferable. If the dough is cohesive, your scones will be less flaky and light.
  • I made one giant disk of dough instead of two, laid it on parchment instead of flouring the counter and cut it on the parchment before lifting the scones onto a prepared baking sheet. I liked the easier clean up, but this was a very moist dough and needed a little extra flour. My suggestion: go with the parchment, but give it a good dusting of flour.
  • I cut my scones a little thicker than the recipe called for, which is good since they were a little overdone. 
  • Make sure you check your scones early. I checked them one minute before they were supposed to be done and it was already too late.
Thanks to Patricia for hosting this week. If you'd like the recipe, Patricia will have it for you here. And if you want to see what the other bakers thought, you can find them here.


  1. Great suggestions Leslie. I too will be sad when TWD is over. It came at a time in my life when I really needed it. Thanks for your friendship. Have a great day.

  2. Im going to miss TWD too, I can't believe we will be closing our cookbooks soon and ending our sweet group. I will miss it.
    Your scones look fabulous! Im glad you enjoyed them.

  3. I too am getting sad that we are nearing the end of the book! I don't want it to be over! Your scones look beautiful!

  4. Now who's picky!!?? They look just great to me. Nice and brown and delicious.

  5. My MIL wants the recipe, but Patricia hasn't posted it yet, so I googled it and found someone who made them a couple years ago. She only baked them 8-10 minutes. Mine took exactly 20.
    But glad they still got eaten.
    Being part of this group has been great not only for all the yummy recipes, but to "meet" such great people like you. ;)

  6. I think you got them just in the nick of time. Mine weren't so great, but I think I goofed along the way. Oh well!

  7. crazy that we are so close to finishing the book...although I have a few to go back and catch up on!

  8. I can't believe we are near the end of the book, I love trying new recipes!

    I over baked the biscuits last week so I watched these very closely while baking. I like the look of yours: very rustic.

  9. I cannot tell you how many things in the kitchen I ruin by walking away - and yes, taking a shower - while they are cooking or baking. Luckily you nabbed your scones before the point of no return!

  10. Yum! I did drop scones with this recipe this time around, which definitely keeps the handling to a minimum.
