Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chocolate Oatmeal Drops

I've been quiet for the last week or two as I've tried very hard not use my wrist and to stay off my foot. It must have worked because I'm free of wrist pain and I haven't worn my splint for three days. Yippee! My foot is finally starting to mend, and although I'd be shocked if the doctor released me when I see her Wednesday, I'm still hopeful.

On to the cookies. Looks can be deceiving and these cookies are a prime example of that. You could just as easily call these brownie cookies as this is what they resemble - the crunchy outside edge of a brownie in cookie form. I made this recipe for Tuesdays with Dorie last week (It's deja vu all over again, as Yogi Berra has said) but am just now posting them. I added some walnuts to underscore their brownie roots.

While not especially attractive, they were delicious and easy. After reading the P&Qs, I knew the batter was delicious and the high ratio of butter to dry ingredients made mixing them just right even more important than usual. I was careful not to let the chocolate melt all the way over the heat, and I didn't let the mixture stand too long before scooping out my cookies. This kept the massive amount of butter from leaching out, though they do look pretty shiny.

Many thanks to Caroline and Claire of Bake with Us for choosing this recipe for the group to make last week (they have the recipe posted here). And apologies to Mike of Living Out West as this week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe. Scones are popular here so I know I'll make them some time, just not this week.


  1. I am sending you good wishes that both the wrist and foot are 100% soon. I am working on my "Learn to Speak French" CD's in the car and thinking of you!

  2. Your cookies look dark and delicious! The scones really were good, so keep them on your radar - lots of yummy toasted almond flavor.

    Hope you're on the road to recovery!

  3. Hi Leslie, I'm glad to hear you're on the mend - hopefully you'll be completely back in action before too long. Your cookies look great! I thought they could have used a little extra something, so walnuts were a splendid idea.

  4. Oh these look geat! My kids will love them.


  5. I guess I did not know that you had hurt yourself! Take care and don't over do. I could not make these cookies since I am allergic to oats. Yours look delicious.

  6. So glad both parts of you are on the mend. It had to be the cookies that took you over the hill. I didn't like these at first, but after they cooled they were quite tasty. Adding nuts was a good idea for these brookies!!

  7. Glad to know that you are feeling better.
    These cookies were a surprising hit wtih us. I like the idea of adding nuts.

  8. So glad to hear you're feeling better Leslie! It seems like it's been a long road. While I didn't love these cookies, the scones were a hit - hope you get a chance to make them!

  9. I skipped these, but maybe I should go back and make them for the guys...yours look wonderfully chocolatey which is what they love!
