Sunday, February 21, 2010

SMS - Strawberry Lemonade

What could be more evocative of spring than strawberries and suggestive of summer than lemonade? Although we don't get snow here in San Jose, I'm still more than ready to be done with the cold and the rain. And raining and gray it was on the day I made this refreshing drink, this week's Sweet Melissa Sundays recipe, selected for us by Jessica of My Baking Heart.

This was very easy to make. I made my simple syrup in the microwave and didn't bother with straining the solids out of the strawberry puree. It was a tart and sweet treat for a rainy day.

If you'd like the recipe, Jessica has it here. And thanks to Jessica for picking such a great recipe for all of us who are weary of winter.


  1. Looks delicious! I passed on this week. Hubby and I aren't crazy about lemonade and I had none of the ingredients.

  2. Your lemonade looks wonderful Leslie - I love that glass you used in the photo! I really enjoyed this one and like you said, it was a nice reminder that summer is on its way.

  3. I also thought it was a great reminder of sunny summer days.

  4. Love the glass! Looks simple and delish!

  5. Looks great! This was a great end of winter pick to get us all ready for warmer weather.

  6. It does look refreashing.
    Nice time saver using the microwave.

  7. That is a pretty glass, perfect for lemonade! I was totally tricked into thinking we were done with rain and it sure it hard today.

    Thanks for your nice comment about the Secret Baker package, it was fun to make!

  8. When I was a kid, I used to want to set up my own lemonade stand! But it would've been pretty foreign in an Asian country like Singapore. haha. You pretty in pink lemonade brings me back!

  9. Perfect drink to welcome Spring with, if it ever comes.

  10. Thanks for 'making' along with me this week! ;) Such a pretty glass!!

  11. It's kind of a treat when the baking group assignment is "no-bake"! Now you've got a wonderful cooler in your repertory for when the warm weather does arrive.
