Tuesday, December 22, 2009

TWD - My Favorite Pecan Pie

There are pecan pies, and there are transcendent, life changing, mood lifting, swoon-worthy pecan pies.

This one is one of the latter. Universally LLLLOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEDDDD by the gang at Thanksgiving dinner. Not all of them are pecan pie lovers (or even likers), but virtually all 15 people present had some and proclaimed it the sleeper hit of Pie Day Thanksgiving 2009. And that's not surprising as this one, with its notes of cinnamon, coffee and secret sweet pockets of chocolate, is sublime on a plate.

Me? I was prepared to be underwhelmed. I've been making the same pecan pie for over 20 years (yes, I started making pies when I was 6...not). So my pecan pie is obviously the best.

Uh, no. Dorie's is. By miles. So much so that I can't bring myself to consider cheating on it by making another pecan pie.

This pie was SO popular that the only piece left was a crumpled up sliver that I couldn't bring myself to show at the top of this post. So I made it again for yesterday's potluck for our last day in the office until January 5th. Since I was also bringing Dorie's Tall and Creamy Cheesecake, after much angst, I broke down and bought a pre-made pie crust from Trader Joe's. Butter was listed before palm oil, but it was just OK. Since I used a smallish pie plate, I had extra filling left over, which I poured in a buttered ramekin and baked along side the pie.

We have Beth at Someone's in the Kitchen with Brina to thank for picking this one. She went through Dorie Greenspan's book Baking from My Home to Yours and picked out this recipe for us to make this week.

The woman is brilliant. And Dorie? I already *heart* Dorie. Now only more so.


  1. in total agreement! this was an amazing pie.

  2. Glad this was such a smash hit! :) It looks great! and who doesn't love secret pockets of chocolate?

  3. This pie was the bomb! I L-O-V-E it! Your pie looks great!!

  4. It looks great! I meant to make this one and totally forgot! I may do it anyway and post it late. Happy Holidays!

  5. I felt the same way about this pie, it was sooo good. I'm glad it was such a hit. Enjoy your time off!

  6. Ha ha ha - you've been making pie since you were six? That's quite an accomplishment!

  7. One of my favorites is Pecan Pie. The recipe sounds like a dream. Unfort. my hubby is opting for chocolate pie and pumpkin pie so I have no excuse to make this wonderful recipe yet. I'll find an excuse soon, though.

  8. It is the best pie ever. I made it for Thanksgiving, and I'm making it again this afternoon for Christmas, and I'm already trying to figure out when I can make it again. Yours looks great!

  9. Sounds like you may be quite popular at your office. Glad everybody liked it.

  10. You did an amazing job with your pie! Thanks for sharing :)

  11. My hubby's Mom has been making pecan pies for Thanksgiving for the last 20 years that I have been in the family. My hubby tried this one and said it was The. Best. Pie. Ever. And, asked for seconds!

  12. Sounds like me. Same pecan recipe for the last, eh, 20 years...

    This was okay, but glad you liked it more than me.

  13. That is some pie love!
    Definitely a goodie. It was my first pecan pie, but I loved it and would totally make it again.
    Hope you've had a wonderful Christmas, Leslie!

  14. Wow ! i really have to make it !! I wish you the best new year !!

  15. If you've been making pecan pies for 20 years, you are the expert and I defer to you. The coffee was my favourite addition.
    Your pie looks lovely!
    Happy holidays!

  16. Your pie looks fabulous Leslie. I agree - this pie is a goodie, and luckily for me, I didn't already have a favourite pecan pie recipe, so this one wins. Happy New Year!

  17. I too love pecan pie! It is my all time favorite! I was thirteen when I made my first pecan pie.
