Tuesday, July 7, 2009

TWD - Tribute to Katharine Hepburn Brownies

Thank God TWD has a new logo! Not that there was anything wrong with the previous logo, but the winner of the new logo design contest got to pick the first July recipe, and Lisa of Surviving Oz (Lisa is Jaime's friend) designed the winning logo and chose Dorie's Tribute to Katharine Hepburn Brownies. They are by far the best brownies I've ever had. Great pick, Lisa!

Can I tell you how much I wanted to make these brownies? I made them on the second day of a heat wave that had our high temperature around 100 degrees...and we don't have air conditioning. It's not that unusual to not have A/C in the Bay area. It's pretty unusual that you'd voluntarily turn on your oven when the forecast high is 102 degrees!

But I REALLY wanted to make these. So I did. At the crack of dawn. In my pajamas. With only the under cabinet lights on.

Maybe nobody else will be able to offer you this kind of insight, but these brownies are pretty easy to make in near-darkness. I did make one mistake, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with the hour, the heat or the fact that I was wearing my PJs.

I overzealously scraped the bowl when putting the brownie batter in the pan. After I put the pan in the oven and licked the single drip on the spatula, I realized my mistake, but it was too late.

So make sure you leave just the tiniest amount in the bowl. It's the chef's reward to lick the bowl. I read that in Kate's memoir.

Not really, but I think she'd approve.


  1. These are soooo good, they're addictive!! My post will be up later today as I baked this late yesterday evening (also in almost utter darkness)....

  2. These look perfect! They are so delicious!

  3. Batter left in the bowl is a must! Your brownies look great. I'm still in my pjs, maybe I shhould make some now. ;)

  4. your brownies look moist and delicious! glad you liked them, and good idea to save a bit to lick from the bowl. :)

  5. They were just too dark and gooey for me. I'm not a huge fan of dark chocolate stuff so maybe that was one reason these are not my favs. But yours look great even if you did make them at the crack of dawn!! :)

  6. Hahaha I left some reserves in the bowl as well... you know.. just for a taste! The brownies look great!

  7. These were the bomb, weren't they! Im glad I made them. Yours look great!

  8. I always leave a nice spoonful in the bowl as my reward. Great minds . . . These look so yummy!

  9. I like your 75/25 coffee rule... I'll have to try that! :) Your brownies look yummy!!

  10. You are a dedicated twd-er! Your brownies look delicious!

    And your Anne's Rolls are gorgeous!

  11. Ha, I am impressed...you made brownies in the dark in over 100 degree weather!! I loved these too!! They were fabulous!

  12. Your brownies look delicious! I miss them. They're all gone. :(

  13. So glad you enjoyed these! They look great, and good to know you can make them in the dark. I loved the taste and the ease of these, and once I get the baking times squared away, these might become a go-to brownie for me!

  14. I create, they lick the bowls and spoons and beaters, etc. Fun post and sounds like your brownies were a good enough reward!

  15. I love baking in my pj's. I also love to lick spoons, bowls, whisks, whatever has even the tiniest bit of goodness on it. Your brownies look great.

  16. Perfect baking time. Or at least it would be for me if my banging and such wouldn't wake the kids. ;)
    Yep, these are probably my new favoritest brownie ever now. Made them four times in the last week. Four different ways. Perfect every time. Yours look perfectly fudgy and good. Mmmm!

  17. Hehehehe. Your mad scraping skilz got the better of you! Those look yummy!

  18. I have made that mistake before...but not in a long time. Baking at over 100 degrees is dedication.

  19. ALWAYS leave something to sample!!

    Especially when it's chocolate.

  20. My husband gave me a funny look as I tried to eat the left over batter in the bowl. Glad to see we all do it!

    Good for you making these in 102 degrees with NO AIR!!! ha!

  21. LOL - that is devotion to make them in the heat at the crack of dawn. Your efforts were well rewarded - these look delicious, and I am sure Kate would approve of your chef's reward.

  22. Don't you think that KH usually baked these in her pjs? Floppy silk ones, with her monogram on the pocket? I like to think so, anyway! I'm glad you liked them, and that we share a fondness for Laurie Colwin!

  23. It's good to know that these can be made in the dark! I saved a little batter for tasting and it was delicious.

  24. Based on this review, I'm going to have to make these again, and maybe, just maybe, I'll use the cinnamon.

  25. I would heat up my kitchen on a 100degree day for these brownies too. Good point about not over scraping the bowl. The mark of an experienced baker!

  26. That is what I call baking dedication! Good point on leaving a bit for the chef!

  27. As soon as i tasted the batter i knew these would be good too!

  28. Oh, yeah...there is always a little something extra in the bowl for me to lick. Gotta have that batter! Great job.

  29. 100 degrees??? Well, I'm thinking you were in dire need of a chocolate fix and this recipe just tempted your curiosity. Heat or no. They are delicious. I loved them and made them again tonight. eeeeeeeeeee calories. Must run tomorrow!! Okay, they are worth it after all they are chocolate. :-)
    Great work, Leslie!

  30. LOL I always get the chef's reward... don't worry!
    Hey! how about a recipe book for blind people (or getting really old like me!LOL): Baking in the dark?

    Those look delish as usual... I'm glad you enjoyed them so much! Yeah! ...we did too.

  31. They look fantastic and I'm glad you enjoyed them so much. That is some true brownie love to bake them in 100 degree weather!

  32. No A/C in 100 degree weather and you still baked the brownies, awesome! I would have woke up at dawn to make these too - they're soo delicious! Yours looks pretty thick and o-so-chocolatey! Love the nuts too!

  33. Wow, you must have really been excited about these brownies to bake them in 100 degree weather! They look great! I always leave a little bit of batter to sample when I make things - sometimes the batter is the best part!

  34. Great tip on leaving some batter to lick--I'm sure we can agree that licking the batter is half the fun! And you get major props for making these at the crack of dawn!

  35. Brownies look great.

    I hear you on the 100+ heat. Down here in the deep south A/C is a must - especially when baking.

    And I'm with Clivia - now in PJs. must go bake.

  36. i admire your devotion to brownie making! these are super simple and oh-so-delicious:)

  37. That's some serious dedication to the brownie cause. I love the bit about licking the bowl. I did, and I thought it was delicious.

  38. I tend to claim a down payment on my reward as I'm mixing, that way if I get overzealous at least I have partial compensation! I agree that these were so good enough it was worth braving the heat wave to make them.
