Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TWD - Honey Peach Ice Cream

We're well into our June recipes with Tuesdays with Dorie, and this week we're making ice cream. This week's recipe was chosen by Tommi of Brown Interior, and I think a lot of us were jumping for joy when we saw this one. Ice cream! Peaches! Honey! OK, when can I start?

I found nice organic yellow peaches at Whole Foods, and their perfume fragranced the house as they ripened on the counter. Welcome, summer!

As with many of Dorie's recipes, this one was easy and lent itself to preparing in stages. I made the custard and peach puree before leaving for work in the morning, and put it in the ice cream maker when I got home from work. Now, I'm not always functioning at 100% while I'm getting ready for work, and I not only heated the custard too much, but I also didn't combine the custard and peach puree before refrigerating.

But it all worked out in the end. The freshness of the peaches, paired with my favorite vanilla bean paste, gave this ice cream the heady scent of summer. Be sure to DICE or puree your peaches, instead of cutting them in chunks as I did, because they are rather icy when you chew on them. In fact, my ice cream was a bit icy if I didn't let it soften somewhat. Softened slightly, it was creamy and delicious, and a sprinkling of chopped candied ginger give it a nice bite. Another winner from Dorie!


  1. this ice cream was fantastic. i would go the all pureed route next time. i had a lot of icy peaches in mine. yours looks really good, i like the candied ginger addition.

  2. Looks delish! Mine was a flop LOL

  3. Your ice cream looks fantastic and I'm glad it was such a hit for you! I skipped the bits of pieces in the ice cream to avoid icy fruit. This one wasn't my favorite but I'm excited to start trying other flavors this summer!

  4. Love the ice cream in the mug! So cute!

  5. That looks incredible! Totally going to get some ice cream now!

  6. I looooooove your tea cup and saucer! WOW! I'd kill for those! Just one set to go along with my mismatched collection... sigh.

    Okay, okay! The ice cream looks pretty darn good too!

  7. I used vanilla paste too - I loved the little flecks of vanilla in there...so beautiful! Your ice cream looks amazing!!


  8. I'm so glad you liked it, it looks wonderful!

  9. Looks great! I am jealous of how good your peaches look.


  10. Ohhh, chopped candied ginger sounds amazing! Your ice cream looks so good!

  11. What an absolutely gorgeous tea cup.

    candied ginger...brilliant!

  12. Your Honey Peach Ice Cream looks luscious, especially in the beautiful teacup and saucer!

  13. YUM. Candied ginger is always good. I'm glad it was a success. It looks wonderful.

  14. OK, I think that the candied ginger was inspired. It might be just what this ice cream needs. I'm going to try that with my next scoop. I love how you served it in a cup & saucer!

  15. Ooooh the addition of the vanilla bean paste and the candied ginger sounds awesome!

  16. Oh! I just love that tea cup and saucer you used to serve the ice cream in!! So pretty! Great job.

  17. I love your ice cream in the tea cup. Beautiful colour. I can imagine how great it tasted with the candied ginger. Nicely done!

  18. Your icecream looks delicious and so daintily served in that pretty cup.

  19. Looks wonderful and it sounds heavenly with ginger! I love recipes you can prepare in stages, but I'm much too sleepy to attempt anything before work, nice job!

  20. Ginger and peaches? Mmmmm - what a great combo!

  21. Congratulations reaching 100 posts! Mine is around the corner.

    Glad you enjoyed this! You crack me up...you always do all this stuff before work. I can barely get make up on before work let a lone bake!

  22. Your ice cream looks delicious and so cute served in that cup! Nice job!

  23. Candied ginger...what a great idea that is...I can do that today! Yes, we have some left over as Matt is not here this week, or any of his other swimming buddies who tend to love to stop by and sample things! Your ice cream looks so delicious and beautiful in that little teacup sitting on that saucer...flowers are my favorite things!

  24. It looks great - and you can never go wrong with ginger and peaches.

  25. Your ice cream looks so pretty in that beautiful cup & saucer! :) Great job!

  26. love ice cream in a tea cup!

  27. Your icecream turned out perfectly, and looks adorable in the teacup and saucer set. The ginger on top is a great idea - I love ginger with almost anything.

  28. ok...I know I'm supposed to be commenting on the ice cream (I'm so glad it worked out! Wasn't it good? I also liked this smooth without the peach chunks)...but I must digress.... is that Rosebud Chintz? I love that pattern! I found one plate at an antique show years ago and every once in a while I get another one.

  29. Moving to the country. Gonna eat a lot of peaches!

  30. Your ice cream looks like the perfect consistency. Glad it was a success!

  31. Your ice cream looks tasty and very pretty in the teacup! The vanilla paste sounds like a great addition.

  32. It looks delicious! This was a winner at my house too. I'd definitely make it again. :)

  33. I loved the flavor of this, but not the icy fruit (seems to be a problem regardless of the size of the peaches). Great minds think alike with the custard in the AM, ice cream after work thing!
