Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No TWD this week...

...and maybe not much else, either. See, I have something that sounds and feels like the plague (Ed.: only bronchitis, no plague). Coworkers asked me to go home. Friends and loved ones are begging me not to cook for them. As much as I wanted to make anything with "15 minute" in the title, I can't taste anything, and others aren't brave/foolish enough to. I hope to make this one up later in the month. 

I know the rest of my fellow Tuesdays with Dorie bloggers will hit this one out of the park. Please check out what they did here. And stop by and visit Holly of Phe/MOM/enon. I love her blog and am so disappointed I can't make her pick this week.


  1. I'm sorry for your flu ! Here people are catchin a very high fever that comes twice ! I hope it's not your case !!

  2. Poor thing! Get well soon!
    Clara @ iheartfood4thought

  3. I HATE being sick and Im so sorry your not feeling well. Get better soon and I hope to see your TWD next week!

  4. Awwww... I hope you'll feel better soon!

  5. AAaah, hope you get over your bug... it's no fun being sick!

  6. Darn! Hope you are feeling better very, very soon!

  7. Hope you feel better soon!

  8. I hope you feel better soon! No fair getting sick when it's spring . . .

  9. Oh no! I hope you're feeling better soon.

  10. Aww hope you feel better. Be sure to make this when you do because its worth it.

  11. Oh, feel better! Good call on not cooking for your friends and coworkers!!! Take two chicken soups and call me in the morning.

  12. Oh no! Hope you are feeling better now.

  13. I hope you're feeling better!
