It was not to be, and I faced the difficult decision all pet owners dread: when does keeping her alive cross the line from being a responsible pet owner into selfishness at the cost of her comfort? Yesterday, she climbed into my lap and sat down, facing me, and looked me in the eye. I knew she was telling me it was time. Today I followed my head, not my heart, and let her go.
I found Allie through an email appeal almost 7 years ago when she was 6 years old. I had another kitty, Rosebud, who was in the sunset of her life, and Allie dedicated herself to making the last year of Rosebud's life miserable. Allie had many special qualities as most cats do, but foremost among them was she would pet herself when she was feeling neglected. She had been shot with a pellet gun when she was young, lived as a declawed cat in a home with cats with claws and came to us with a heart full of love in spite of a tough start in life. We were her third or fourth home, and I resolved we would be her last, and that when Rosebud died we would be a one cat home for the rest of Allie's life. She deserved it.
Allie won over all visitors, cat lovers and haters, construction workers and delivery people, with her self-petting antics and talkative nature. She slept face down, blocking out all possible sources of oxygen, and thrived on stalking bugs and pining for the hummingbirds on the other side of the window. When the kitchen was under construction, she supervised the work. One day, she got into the crawl space under the house and I couldn't find her when I came home. I heard her meowing under the house and found her, dirty and hungry. The panic I felt then should have prepared me for losing her today, but that fear was quickly overtaken by her clingy sweetness.
So sorry to hear about your Allie. Sounds like she had a good life with you guys.
What a nice tribute to your pretty kitty. It sounds like she had a wonderful life with you.
Oh Leslie - I'm so sorry. Putting a pet down is the hardest thing in the world to face. Having just gone through it with my Sasha, I understand all too well your pain and anguish. Soon the pain will be replaced with happy memories, and take comfort in the fact that you gave her the best home possible.
Hugs to you.
She is so beautiful. I love that black spot under her chin.
Hugs to you from one cat lover to another. I know that you will forever miss and lover her.
Thank you for loving her and giving her the opportunity to feel love!
I am so sorry. *hugs*
What a beautiful kitty! Love her black markings. We had cats all my life, then when I was 16, I became suddenly very allergic to them. I had my special kitty, Scottie, who I loved so much, but then could no longer hold. I feel your pain!
I'm sorry for your loss! Take care.
Oh, Leslie! I'm so sorry to about this. She sounds like an amazing member of your family, and you guys were lucky to have each other. Thinking of you...
Take care!
I was very sad to read about Allie's passing and the photos were so nice to see, but then I saw the last one of your kitty all curled up and it made me tear up as our Sophie is 15 this year and she is also losing weight, losing her hearing, etc., and I think we are bracing ourselves for what will come. Thoughts and hugs for all of you.
I am so, so sorry about Allie. Just reading your post made me so sad. we lost our cat Coyote this year after she was with us for 15 years. We're still devastated.
So sorry!
How sweet that you shared that telling moment with all of us. They do communicate with us. I know they have their own language and voice. We have/had two Welsh Corgi's (sisters) and had to let one go just two weeks ago. So, I know how sad and quiet it is at your home without Allie. I hope there is comfort in knowing she appreciated you.
Leslie, I'm sorry to hear about your sweet cat; my condolences to you. It sounds like Allie lived a great life and was very well-loved.
Ciao Leslie , I'm very sorry to hear about Allie ! I'm sure she was in the best home with you. I send you a big hug !
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Allie. She had many years of your love and devotion, allowing her personality to blossom (and her belly to grow). This post is a lovely tribute.
Leslie my heart is breaking for you. I know how hard this must be for you. You wrote a beautiful post about her. Hugs.
Oh, poor Allie. Sounds like she was a great friend
Im so sorry for your loss. I am glad that she gave you so much joy and that you have such fond memories of her.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I know that is not an easy decision to make. Just focus on what a joy you made her life for loving her and taking good care of her! She couldn't have asked for more!
So sorry to hear about Allie. Today we raise our glasses to Allie who brought so much love and warmth to your home.
I'm so sorry. I know how it hurts.
Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was a great cat.
Oh, Leslie, I am so sorry for your loss. I have no good words to say. I know it hurts. I am really so sorry. It is just a great knowing you gave her a great and special life. I hate seeing strays and mistreated animals with no warm homes or love.
Oh :( I'm crying. I'm so sorry for your loss. I have a cat named Boo who is now 16 years old. I worry about him all the time, though he still seems in good health. I remember the first time I had to make that trip, was with my dog who was 13. It tough, but it was the right thing to do, she told you that it was time and you listened. You were a good mom to her :) HUGS
I am sorry you lost Allie. It is a hard thing. I have taken that trip more than once and it doesn't get any easier. Thots with you.
Losing a pet breaks your heart....
What a beautiful tribute to her on your blog!
If only we were all so lucky to have an Allie in our lives.
Sadness. This was a lovely post about your cat though, sounds like she was a good friend.
What a sweetie of a cat Allie was, and it's wonderful to read about what you gave her and what she gave you in return. Those pets certainly will steal your heart!
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